Group decisions made easy

Decisions are hard when everyone has a say? Find the best solution with your group in 3 simple steps.

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Why konsens


Let everyone in your group add and rate proposals.


Gather and compare proposals in one central place.


Make decisions everyone supports by revealing your group’s resistance.


Contribute no matter when and where you are.

No signup

Invite people with a link. No email or account needed.


Use konsens for free and support us if it helped you.

Make better decisions faster

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Where konsens is used


Successful organisations involve their employees when making decisions with broad effect.

Political Institutions

Political parties, communities and associations unlock collective creativity to solve the biggest problems of our time.

Family & Friends

Family dinners, birthday presents, bachelorette parties. Say goodbye to inefficient discussions in group chats.

What konsens can help find:

everybody likes

How should our new product be called? What’s a good name for this new feature of our software? Which name fits best to our band?

Times we
all can meet

On which day should we do our yearly team event? What day should be our regular office day? On which weekend can we go on holiday together?

who fit to us

Which applicant is the best fit for our team? Who should be the new roommate in our shared flat? Who should play in the core team the next season?

Measures that
are promising

What pricing model works with our offering? How do we reach more people? Which influencer supports our brand?

Expenses that
are worthwhile

What do we spend our donations for? Which provider do we choose to offset our CO₂ emissions? Which project management software do we use?

everyone is up to

What would you like to do at our team event? What should we do at the bachelor party? Which movie should we watch together?

everyone enjoys

Where should we order lunch for the workshop? What should be the main course for our Christmas dinner? What do you want to cook tonight?

Make better decisions together

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How konsens works

Find the best solution with your group in 3 simple steps:


Someone in your group creates the question and invites everyone via a unique link.


Everyone with the link can submit proposals that answer the question.

Decide with your group when to end the proposal phase.


Everyone with the link can rate each submitted proposal with resistance points between 0 and 10.

Wait until everyone has submitted their rating before ending the rating phase.


konsens identifies the best proposal for your group. You can settle on a solution or keep iterating – and use konsens again.

You can delete your decision anytime or it will be deleted automatically 42 days after you started it.

Make a decision in 3 simple steps

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About us

We are Martha & Max, designer and software engineer from Germany. We built konsens to support the democratisation of work. We see this as a contribution to a more democratic economy and society.

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